44 Energy is proud to announce that we are working under a competitive contract award to the Coordinating Research Council (CRC). 44 Energy is leading this project in close partnership collaboration with TRP Laboratories (formerly SGS North America Transportation Labs) in the Denver, Colorado area over the winter of 2023-2024 to conduct Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS) -based research for CRC’s Project No. E-134, “Light Duty PEMS Phase 3: PEMS Performance at Altitude, Grade and Low Temperature Test Program”. This project seeks to evaluate the performance of PEMS on-road tests vis-a-vis chassis dynamometer-based tests for measuring emissions from vehicles representative of a range of light-duty gasoline engine technologies while using research-grade fuels representative of a range of properties and operating under severe test conditions, including high altitude, steep grades, and low temperatures. This project is being conducted under the guidance of CRC’s Emissions Committee.